Thursday, February 8, 2018

ViewData, ViewBag, TempData


Data travels from the controller to the view via a ViewDataDictionary. This ViewDataDictionary is a dictionary class; we call this class "ViewData".

Passes the data from the controller to the view

It is a dictionary object that is derived from ViewDataDictionary

Note: ViewData is a dictionary which can contain key-value pairs where each key must be string.

It only transfers data from controller to view, not vice-versa. It is valid only during the current request.

Points to Remember :

  1. ViewData transfers data from the Controller to View, not vice-versa.
  2. ViewData is derived from ViewDataDictionary which is a dictionary type.
  3. ViewData's life only lasts during current http request. ViewData values will be cleared if redirection occurs.
  4. ViewData value must be type cast before use.
  5. ViewBag internally inserts data into ViewData dictionary. So the key of ViewData and property of ViewBag must NOT match.
  6. Data is stored as Object in ViewData.
  7. While retrieving, the data it needs to be Type Casted to its original type as the data is stored as objects and it also requires NULL checks while retrieving.


public class FirstController : Controller{    // GET: First    public ActionResult Index()    {        ViewData["Message"] = "Hello MVC!";        return View();    }}


    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>


Example 2:

//Controller Code 

 public ActionResult Index()  {        List<string> Student = new List<string>();        Student.Add("Uday");        Student.Add("Rajakonda");        Student.Add("Kittu");           ViewData["Student"] = Student;        return View();  }  


//page code  
foreach (var student in ViewData["Student"] as List<string>)  
        { %>  
    <li><%: student%></li>  
    <% } %>  


public class StudentController : Controller
        IList<Student> studentList = new List<Student>() { 
                    new Student(){ StudentID=1, StudentName="A", Age = 21 },
                    new Student(){ StudentID=2, StudentName="B", Age = 25 },
                    new Student(){ StudentID=3, StudentName="C", Age = 20 },
                    new Student(){ StudentID=4, StudentName="D", Age = 31 },
                    new Student(){ StudentID=5, StudentName="E", Age = 19 }
        // GET: Student
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.TotalStudents = studentList.Count();

            return View();


<label>Total Students:</label>  @ViewBag.TotalStudents

ViewBag is just a dynamic wrapper around ViewData. With it you don't need to write the dynamic keyword, it takes the dynamic keyword internally.
We often call ViewBag "A dynamic data library".

  • Doesn't require type casting
  • It is a dynamic property

TempData helps in maintaining data when you move from one controller to another controller. For maintaining data it uses a session variable (internally).

It is a dictionary object that is derived from ViewDataDictionary.

  •  It requires typecasting for:
    • Getting Data
    • Check NULL values
    • Avoiding Errors
  • It is used to store one time messages like
    • Error Messages
    • Validation Messages
  •  It's life is very short
  •  It's a Key-Value-Collection object

Data maintenance
This table represents the data maintenance between a controller and a view in various aspects/scenarios.

NEW Features of SQL Server


A new syntax has been introduced to check if an object exists before dropping it. Previously, if you wanted to check if a procedure existed before you dropped it, you had to write a statement like this
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [its].[updQueueItemEmailStatus]    ******/
IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[its].[updQueueItemEmailStatus]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [its].[updQueueItemEmailStatus]

Now with 2016 you can write this as

IF EXISTS: It is an optional clause and if it is mentioned in the DROP statement then it checks the existence of the object, if it exists it will drop otherwise continues executing the next statement in the block without raising any issues.

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS [its].[updQueueItemEmailStatus]

Note: Now if the stored procedure does not exists it won't throw any Error
If the stored procedure doesn’t exists it will not raise any error, it will continue executing the next statement in the batch. Let’s try to re-drop the stored procedure WelcomeMessage which is already dropped.


If the table doesn’t exists it will not raise any error, it will continue executing the next statement in the batch. Let’s try to re-drop the Table dbo.Customers which is already dropped.

If the Database doesn’t exists it will not raise any error, it will continue executing the next statement in the batch. Let’s try to re-drop the Database SqlHintsDemoDB which is already dropped.

In the similar way we can drop Schema And Views

2 JSON support

Similar like XML, SQL Server now supports the JSON format. You can for example convert tabular data to JSON using the FOR JSON clause. An example:

SELECT NAME,first_name,entity_key,name_key FROM its_name


OPENJSON - OPENJSON is a table-value function, which accepts some text which includes a JSON value and returns rows in the required format. FOR JSON, converts the rows into JSON format, but OPENJSON will convert back the JSON text into a table of rows.

IsJSON (< JSON text >) - This function verifies, whether the given text is formatted according to JSON standards/rules.

JSON_Value () - This is a scalar function and it parses the JSON text then extracts a value if it exists in the path arguments. This functionality is similar to 
XPATH (XML Path) which is used for selecting nodes from XML text. In addition, XPath may be used to compute values (e.g. strings, numbers or Boolean values) from the content of an XML document.

FOR JSON PATH – We can define the JSON structure in the query by defining column alias with a dot (.) separated value (for example ‘Root.level1’). This Functionality is similar to FOR XML PATH.

Example 1: Basic FOR JSON PATH example
SELECT 'Uday' FirstName, 'Kumar' LastName ,'Rajakonda' SurName

Example 2 :Basic FOR JSON AUTO requires at-least one table for generating the JSON output
SELECT 'Uday' FirstName, 'Kumar' LastName ,'Rajakonda' SurName

Msg 13600, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
FOR JSON AUTO requires at least one table for generating JSON objects. Use FOR JSON PATH or add a FROM clause with a table name.
From the above result it is clear that the FOR JSON AUTO clause works only if at-least one table is mentioned in the from clause.

Example 3: FOR JSON PATH/AUTO example where column names are not specified in the select list, instead * is mentioned

Example 4: FOR JSON PATH/AUTO example where required columns in the JSON output are specified in the SELECT clause

PRINT '******* FOR JSON PATH output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name  FOR JSON PATH
PRINT '******* FOR JSON AUTO output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name FOR JSON AUTO


Example 5: To include NULL values in the JSON output, we need to specify the property INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES in the FOR JSON clause

Note: If this option is not specified, in case of NULL value the name-value pair will be removed from the JSON output  

PRINT '******* FOR JSON PATH output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name  FOR JSON PATH,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES
PRINT '******* FOR JSON AUTO output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name FOR JSON AUTO,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES


Example 6 :We can use the ROOT option in the FOR JSON clause to generate a wrapper object around the generated JSON output. In the below example the ROOT option creates a Customers JSON wrapper object around the generated JSON output:

PRINT '******* FOR JSON PATH output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name  FOR JSON PATH,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES,ROOT('Names')

PRINT '******* FOR JSON AUTO output *******'
SELECT top 5 name,name_suffix_key,entity_key FROM its_name FOR JSON AUTO,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES,ROOT('Names')

Example 7: In case of FOR JSON PATH clause using “.” Symbol in the column aliases, we can name the each object in the resultant JSON array as shown below:



Using “.” symbol in the column aliases doesn’t have any effect in the resulting JSON output in case of FOR JSON AUTO as shown below:


SELECT   name_key[Name.namekey],name[] FROM ITS_NAME FOR JSON Auto,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES,ROOT('Names')


Example 8: We can convert each row into a JSON object with multiple sub-objects by using “.” Symbol in the column alias as shown below:

SELECT   name_key[Name.namekey],name[],entity_key[Entity.entityKey] FROM ITS_NAME FOR JSON PATH,INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES,ROOT('Names')



FROM 2016, We can supply our own String
Declare @str varchar(max)
set @str=FORMATMESSAGE('Hello %s,Uday %s' ,'RajaKonda', 'Kumar')
select @str


In previous release we used to write lot of code ( we used to create a function to split the string).
Old way of writing code
DECLARE @string VARCHAR(800) = '001,002,003,004'
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnSplitString] (@string,',')

But with sql server 2016 we can write as
DECLARE @string VARCHAR(800) = '001,002,003,004'


Python -3

  Lists It is used to store Collection of data. Lists are created using square brackets: List Items Order cannot be changed. It can have dup...