Sunday, February 10, 2019

Expression bodied members in C Sharp 7.0

C# 6.0
Expression bodied Methods
Expression bodied Properties
C# 7.0
Expression bodied constructor
Expression bodied destructor
Expression bodied getters
Expression bodied setters
Expression bodied Events.
Expression bodied Methods:

Let us learn the Previous Release of Expression bodied Method in C sharp 6.0.

Sample Syntax :

public string GetUserDetails

() => $ "{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}"; 


class User

        public int UserId { get; set; }  
        public string UserName { get; set; }  
        public string EmailId { get; set; }  
        public string ContactNumber { get; set; }  
        public string GetUserDetails() => $"{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}"; 


    class Program

static void Main(string[] args)        {
            User obj = new User();
            obj.UserId = 001;
            obj.UserName = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
            obj.EmailId = "";
            obj.ContactNumber = "123456";


There might be the situation where we want to override the ToString method in that case
class User
        public int UserId { get; set; } 
        public string UserName { get; set; } 
        public string EmailId { get; set; } 
        public string ContactNumber { get; set; } 
        public string GetUserDetails() => $"{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}";
        public override string ToString() => $"{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}";

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            User obj = new User();
            obj.UserId = 001;
            obj.UserName = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
            obj.EmailId = "";
            obj.ContactNumber = "123456";

Expression Bodied Properties:

class User
        public int UserId { get; } = 0001;
        public string UserName { get; } = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
        public string EmailId { get;} = "";
        public string ContactNumber { get; } = "123456";
        public string GetUserDetails() => $"{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}";
        public override string ToString() => $"{UserId} + {UserName} + {EmailId} + {ContactNumber}";

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            User obj = new User();

In C Sharp 7.0
Expression bodied constructor
 class User
        public int UserId { get; } = 0001;
        public string UserName { get; } = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
        public string EmailId { get;} = "";
        public string ContactNumber { get; }
        public User()=> ContactNumber= "99898955555";
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine(new User().ContactNumber);


Expression bodied destructor
class User
        public int UserId { get; } = 0001;
        public string UserName { get; } = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
        public string EmailId { get;} = "";
        public string ContactNumber { get; }
        public User()=> ContactNumber= "99898955555";
        ~User() => Console.WriteLine("Destructor Method");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

        public static void Details()
            Console.WriteLine(new User().ContactNumber);
            User user = new User();


Expression bodied getters & setters
class User
        public Dictionary<int, string> UserList = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        public int UserId { get; } = 101;
        public string UserName { get; } = "Rajakonda Uday Kumar";
        public string EmailId { get;} = "";
        public string ContactNumber { get; }
        public string UserDetails
        {   get => UserList[UserId]; 
            set => UserList[UserId] = value; 

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            User obj = new User();
            obj.UserList.Add(101, "A");
            obj.UserList.Add(102, "B");


class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($" {new Employee().EmployeeDetail()}");

    class Employee
        int empId { get; } = 101;
        string Name { get; } = "ABC";
        string Address { get; } = "Hyderabad";
        double Salary { get; } = 1000;

        public double HRA() => (Salary * 40) / 100;
        public string EmployeeDetail() => $"EmployeeId: {empId}\n EmployeeName: {Name}\nEmployeeAddress: {Address}\nEmployeeHRA: {HRA()}";


2) Example:
class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($" {new Employee().EmployeeDetail()}");
    class Employee
        int empId { get; } = 101;
        string Name { get; } = "ABC";
        string Address { get; } = "Hyderabad";
        double Salary { get; } = 1000;
        public Employee() => Salary = 1000;
        public double HRA() => (Salary * 40) / 100;
        public string EmployeeDetail() => $"EmployeeId: {empId}\n EmployeeName: {Name}\nEmployeeAddress: {Address}\nEmployeeHRA: {HRA()}";
        ~Employee() => Console.WriteLine("\n Destructor");

C Sharp Throw Exception Directly

From C sharp 7.0 we can throw an exception directly through expression.

New Access Specifier in C sharp 7.2

In C# 7.2 a private protected has been added. So they are total 6 access specifier
From C Sharp 7.2.
  •         public
  •         protected
  •         internal
  •         private
  •         protected internal
  •         private protected
  To know about previous access specifier please go through this.

Private Protected: It really means protected AND internal.

From the above Example you can see that it gives Me Error. Reason is

To Fix this,
In Visual Studio 2017 first, we need to change the Language Type to C Sharp 7.2 as shown below

Goto Project File-> Right Click and Select Properties.

That is - member is accessible only to child classes which are in the same assembly, but not to child classes which are outside assembly.

Now let me try to access this From the Outside Assembly.
1) private protected member is inaccessible outside the assembly for the child class.

2) private protected member is inaccessible inside the assembly for non-inherited class.


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