Following user Interface
We have two components now.
Open terminal and then type ng g c StudentsGrid --flat
.ts Changes (students-grid.component)
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-students-grid',
templateUrl: './students-grid.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./students-grid.component.css']
export class StudentsGridComponent {
students: any[] = [
ID: '1', FirstName: 'Rajakonda Uday', LastName: 'Kumar',
DOB: '12/8/1990', Gender: 'Male', CourseFee: 12334.56
ID: '2', FirstName: 'Kittu', LastName: 'R',
DOB: '10/14/1989', Gender: 'Male', CourseFee: 6666.00
ID: '3', FirstName: 'abc', LastName: 'd',
DOB: '7/24/1992', Gender: 'Female', CourseFee: 6543.15
ID: '4', FirstName: 'def', LastName: 'd',
DOB: '8/19/1990', Gender: 'Female', CourseFee: 9000.50
ID: '5', FirstName: 'ads', LastName: 'df',
DOB: '4/12/1991', Gender: 'Male', CourseFee: 9876.54
Let us create one more component for count
.ts Changes students-grid.component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-students-count',
templateUrl: './students-count.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./students-count.component.css']
export class StudentsCountComponent {
all: number = 5;
male: number = 3;
female: number = 2;
Here, we have set the selector=’app-student-count’. So, we can use this selector as a directive where we want to use this component. We are going to use this StudentCountComponent within the StudentGridComponent using the app-student-count selector as a directive.
<span>Show : </span>
<input type="radio" name="options" />
<span>{{"All(" + all + ")"}}</span>
<input name="options" type="radio">
<span>{{"Male(" + male + ")"}}</span>
<input name="options" type="radio">
<span>{{"Female(" + female + ")"}}</span>
Now, we need to nest the StudentCountComponent in StudentGridComponent and to do so, we need to use the StudentCountComponent selector (i.e. app-students-count) as a directive i.e. <app-student-count></app-students-count> on StudentGridComponent..
<th>Course Fee</th>
<tr *ngFor='let student of students'>
<td>{{student.ID | uppercase}}</td>
<td>{{student.DOB | date:'dd/MM/y'}}</td>
<td>{{student.CourseFee | currency:'USD':true:'1.2-2'}}</td>
<tr *ngIf="!students || students.length==0">
<td colspan="10">
No Students to display