Tuesday, June 3, 2014

File Upload and Download File from IIS Server.

First share any folder in any Drive.
Create a site for those files in IIS.
Design the form as follows.

cs Page

<addkey="PDFDownloadPhysicalPath"value="\\ ABC-DTTR\Templates \"/>

Run the page.

Now, I want to download the upload file.

.cs Page

In page load

stringstrTemplatePath = "mvc-routes.pdf";
stringstrTable = "";
strTable = "<table border='0' width='100%'>";
strTable = strTable + "<tr>";
strTable = strTable + "<td style='width:5%'>";
strTable = strTable + "<imgsrc='images/images.jpg' />";
strTable = strTable + "</td>";
strTable = strTable + "<td style='width:10%'>";
strTable = strTable + "<a href='GetFile.aspx?Filepath=" + strTemplatePath + "'>Download</a>";
strTable = strTable + "</td>";
strTable = strTable + "<td style='width:80%'>";
strTable = strTable + "<a href='#' onclick='javascript:window.open(\"" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PDFDownloadPath") + strTemplatePath + "\")'>" + strTemplatePath.ToString() + "</a>";

strTable = strTable + "</td>";
strTable = strTable + "</tr>";
strTable = strTable + "</table>";
divTable.InnerHtml = strTable;



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