Thursday, October 26, 2023

Angular Application Routing

Routing in Angular

The Angular Routing is a mechanism which is used for navigating between pages and displaying appropriate component or pages on the browser.

It also allows us to maintain the state, implement modules, and then loads the modules based on the roles of the user. 

Mapping client request URL path to a component is called routing, this
 will load component dynamically for presentation
 Loading one component into another component dynamically is called

Routing provides navigation with in angular app

Website with single main page and other pages will be loaded as a part
 of mainpage without reloading|refreshing mainpage is called
 Single webpage of a website is providing access to all the content of website
 is called SPA

SPA advantages:
 1.faster response
 2.reducing burden on server [better performance]
 3.client can work offline with the data available in client system

*angular is providing set of classes | directives with RouterModule with @angular/router package to work with routing

1.Route class--this is used to create a route with path and component

2.Routes class--this is used to create a collection of routes
     const routes: Routes=[
                                               { ... },

path:'' will be considered for initial component presentation with in main page

path:'**' will be considered for invalid route path

->children routes will provide inner navigation
      home ...   services [parent level navigation]
      training  ---------   training info
      consultancy---------       ....
           [children navigation]
->routes collection should be loaded into a module using
       RouterModule.forRoot method

Understanding Angular Routing 
Assume, that , I have two links

Employee Details

Department Details

When , we click on the Employee Details, we need to display the Employee Details,

Similarly when we click on the Department Details, we need to display the Department Details

Creating Employee Details Component:

Employee Details . html Changes

Creating a Department Component

Department Details (html)

Adding Routing in Angular:

When you are creating an angular application, at the time of creation it is asking whether you want to add angular routing to your project or not. If you select yes, then it automatically add the routing model in your project. If you select no then you need to add it manually. 

When creating an angular application , at the time of creation we will see the below screen

If you select  yes, it will automatically add the routing Model to your project.

We need to use the below 
CLI code to generate the router in Angular Application.

Configuring Routes in Angular Application

you need to configure the path and their respective component in the AppRoutingModule 

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { EmployeeDetailsComponent } from '../employee-details.component';
import { DepartmentDetailsComponent } from '../department-details.component';

const routes: Routes = [
    path:'employeeLink', component:EmployeeDetailsComponent
    path:'departmentLink', component: DepartmentDetailsComponent

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }


.html Changes

Default when loads, the below page gets displayed

On Clicking on the Department Details

From the above HTML Code, we need to understand two important concepts i.e. routerLink and router-outlet

this is a container | placeholder with in a main page to load | display component info


The Router Outlet is a dynamic component that the router uses to display views based on router navigation.

So, the role of <router-outlet> is to mark where the router displays the view. This is the location where angular will insert the component.

Router Link
This will bind route path to html element[hyperlink],html element click
will load corresponding route path component into router-outlet of main page.

With the help of router Link directive, you can link to routes of your application right from the HTML Template. You just need to add the directive to an HTML Element. When the user clicks on that element, angular navigates to that specified location.

   routerLink is similar to href

Syntax: <a routerLink="pathname">text</a> (or) <a [routerLink]="['/pathname',para1value,..]">text</a>

Router Link (Client Side)


<a [routerLink] = "['/departmentLink']">Department details</a> <br/>
<a [routerLink] = "['/employeeLink']">Employee details</a>

Router Link: Server side
For your application to work with server side rendering, the element hosting directive has to be a link (anchor) element.

It is also possible to navigate to a route from code. To do so, we need angular router and this need to be done in your typescript file. 

We need to import the below import statement

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

second thing is add the below constructor

constructor(private router : Router){}

third thing is

Once we have the router, then the navigation is quite simple. Just call the navigate function or Router. This function takes an array. The first element of the array defines the route we want to navigate. The second is optional and allows us to pass a route parameter. The syntax is given below.

this.router.navigate['/departmentLink', 1234];


.ts Changes

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-jsondemo',
  templateUrl: './jsondemo.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./jsondemo.component.css']
export class JsondemoComponent {
  constructor(private router : Router){}

.html Changes

<h2>Angular Routing Example</h2>
<button (click)="GetDepartmentDetails()">Department Details</button>
<button (click)="GetEmployeeDetails()">Employee Details</button>


Initially when page Loads

Next Department Click

 5.routerLinkActive--this is used to apply css to active link

 6.Router class--this is used to redirect user from one component to
                 another component programmatically
                 [it is similar to response.redirect]

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