Pipes can be used to transform | convert data into required format. In other words, we can say that it is filter used in angular for formatting the data.
A pipe is technology clas that implements pipe transform Base Class.
Angular is providing so many built-in pipes:
1.lowercasepipe--it will convert string into lowercase
2.uppercasepipe--it will convert string into uppercase
3.titlecasepipe--it will convert string into proper case eg: name="rAjakonda uDAy" name| titlecase ---->Rajakonda Uday
4.slicepipe---it will provide substring based on start index and end index[-1] syntax: <varname>|slice:startindex:endindex[-1] eg: s="abcdefg" s|slice:2:4 -->cd s|slice:2 -->cdefg
Here it is -1 so it is going to start after 2 that is 3,4 index it will display.
If we dont give end index, it will display till End.
5.decimalpipe[numberpipe]--it will round a number to specified fraction size,default is 3 syntax: <varname>|number:"minintpart.minfracsize-maxfracsize" n-6543.53465 n|number:"1.4-4" -->6543.5347
Here in the above case minintpart means 6543
min frac size and max frac size both are 4 -->So it will round to 4 digits, but in the 4 digit we have a number that is 6 it greater than or equal to five so the next number it will display that is 7 instead of 6.
n|number:"1.2-2" -->6543.53
In the above case , it will display minintpart--6543
min frac size and max frac size both are 2 --> So it will round to 2 digits, but in the 2 digit we have a number that is 3 , it is less than or equal to five, so the same number will display.
n|number:"5.0-0" -->06544
In the above case , it will display minintpart--6543
0,0 means no decimal part, this will be rounded so we have 6543.53465--> so it will round to next number in the min int part that is 6544. Here i am telling min part is 5 but i have a number with 4 digits only. so it will add 0 at the begining.
price --> price|number:"5.0-0" --> price | | 1000 01000 10000 10000 100 00100
6.currencypipe--it will display a number with specified currency symbol |code, it will round to 2 decimals by default syntax: <varname>|currency:"currencycode":"options":"minintpart.minfracsize-maxfracsize" currencycode-----> USD[default] INR CAD EUR options ------->symbol[default] symbol-narrow[it will show narrow currency symbol] code [it will show currency code] symbol-narrow is required,if the country is having 2 currency symbol like canada--> symbol--$ symbol-narrow--CA$ 7.percentpipe--this is used to display percentage 8.datepipe--this is used to display a date in required format syntax: <datevar>|date:"format" format: shortDate--it will display MM/dd/yy d --date with single digit[1-9] dd --date with multi digit [01-09] M --month with single digit[1-9] MM --month with multi digit[01-09] MMM --month with 3 chars[jan-dec] MMMM --month with complete chars[january-december] yy --year without century[22] y or yyyy --year with century[2022] EEE --weekday with 3 chars[mon-sun] EEEE --weekday with complete chars[monday-sunday] hh --hours hh24 --hours with 24 format[1-24] mm --minutes ss --seconds a --it will show am|pm ... 9.jsonpipe--it will convert typescript object into json object 10.asyncpipe--it will provide asynchronous execution,this is mostly used with ngfor <tr *ngFor="let c of cates|async"> -->async makes parallel exec of ... 2 ngfor's </tr> <tr *ngFor="let p of prods"> ... </tr> *@angular/common package is providing all the pipes.
Note: at a single time. only one ngFor will execute in angular. so in the above case i have given async, so both ngFor will execute Now.
Create a component
.TS Changes
import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({selector: 'app-ngpipesdemo',templateUrl: './ngpipesdemo.component.html',styleUrls: ['./ngpipesdemo.component.css']})export class NgpipesdemoComponent {pinfo={"name":"dEll","desc":"dell i5 proc with 16gb ram","aprice":50000.55347,"oprice":25000.76655,"dom":new Date()};}.html Changes<div style="font-size:x-large">name: {{pinfo.name|lowercase}} - {{pinfo.name|uppercase}} <br>desc: {{pinfo.desc|titlecase}} <br>price: {{pinfo.aprice|currency:"INR":"symbol"}} <br>oprice: {{pinfo.oprice|number:"1.2-2"}} <br>disc : {{(pinfo.oprice/pinfo.aprice)|percent}} <br>dom : {{pinfo.dom|date:"EEE MMM dd/MM/y hh:mm:ss a"|lowercase}}</div>Understanding Above Codelowercase--> It is displaying the name as lower case as well as uppper casedesc-->we are using titlecase, so it will display first letter as capital in each word.price-->Default it will round to 2 decimals, but the third digit is less than 5 so it will remain same.oprice-->Default it will round to 2 decimals, but the third digit is greater than 5 , so it willround to next digit.dom->Complete output, i am use lowercase.
If, we remove that lower case, then the output will be
1.angular supports chain of pipes[i.e more than one pipe can be applied to a variable] eg: {{pinfo.dom|date:"EEE MMM dd/MM/y hh:mm:ss a"|lowercase}} | | output----------------------------------------------
2.check currency pipe with symbol and symbol-narrow using CAD eg: price: {{pinfo.aprice|currency:"CAD":"symbol"}} --> $50000.55 price: price: {{pinfo.aprice|currency:"CAD":"symbol-narrow"}} --> CA$50000.55
It is an array pipe used to extract values from any array based on given index.
public sales= [2300,4000,5000,300];
{{ sales |slice : 1 :3 }}
2 Example
We are going to apply pipes to a table
.ts Changes
import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({selector: 'app-ngpipesdemo',templateUrl: './ngpipesdemo.component.html',styleUrls: ['./ngpipesdemo.component.css']})export class NgpipesdemoComponent {Employee: any[] = [{ID: 'EMP1', Name: 'RaJAKonda UDAY',DOB: '12/8/1988', Gender: 'Male', Salary: 12300084.56},{ID: 'EMP2', Name: 'ANURAG Mohanty',DOB: '10/14/1989', Gender: 'Male', Salary: 6666.00},{ID: 'EMP3', Name: 'KitTU',DOB: '7/24/1992', Gender: 'Male', Salary: 6543.15},{ID: 'EMP4', Name: 'ADcd',DOB: '8/19/1990', Gender: 'Female', Salary: 9000.50},{ID: 'EMP5', Name: 'SamBIt SataPATHY',DOB: '4/12/1991', Gender: 'Male', Salary: 9876.54}];}.html<table border="1"><thead><tr><th>Emp ID</th><th>Name</th><th>DOB</th><th>Gender</th><th>CourseFee</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr *ngFor='let emp of Employee'><td>{{emp.ID | uppercase}}</td><td>{{emp.Name | titlecase}}</td><td>{{emp.DOB | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}</td><td>{{emp.Gender | lowercase}}</td><td>{{emp.Salary | currency:'USD':true}}</td></tr></tbody></table>Output
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