Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Docker 8

 Read the previous articles.

In the previous article, i have committed my changes . So now i want to login and check . In the previous i have created login credentials in the 

To make it  visible to the public

Revise the previous articles 

1 step : pull the image

docker pull redis

2 step
Run the below command
docker run  -it redis bash

Step 3

docker exec -it redis123 bash

Let me go inside that directory and create a sample text and save with sample.txt name

Step 4:
root@befffa2a3fd7:/data# mkdir demo123

Step 5

Step 6

echo "test container">sample.txt

Next step is we need to run the exit command.

Now, the above commit will be saved in the docker images

Next step in login to docker hub by running the below command

Now, we need to push the changes to the docker hub of your login. So that you will be able to see your changes in the hub.

Make that as public
Now, i am going to delete the container

Now, let me delete all the images 

Now, i am pulling that image from hub by using the below command

docker run -idt --name testabc uday9287/redis:1.0

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